Empower Growth
Certified Trauma Training
As a Certified Trauma Trainer Erica provides six-hour training sessions on each of the following topics:
Structured Sensory Integration II
Trauma-Informed Resilient Schools
Healing Trauma and Restoring Resilience in Schools
Resetting for Resilience
Children of Trauma.
Trainings are customized for educational staff, mental health staff, and community partners. As one of Starr’s Certified Trainers, Erica is poised to bring specialized, trauma-informed and resilience-focused training to your school, agency, or organization staff and supporters. Erica is excited to support all of your trauma and resilience training needs. Trainings listed can be provided individually, or as part of our trauma & resilience practitioner certification program.
As a Certified Trauma and Grief Treatment Component Therapy for Adolescents (TGCTA) Trainer Erica provides a 15 hour training presented in 4 Modules. The components of TGCTA’s four modules address:
Foundational knowledge and skills to enhance posttraumatic emotional, cognitive, and behavioral regulation
Group sharing and processing of trauma experiences
Group sharing and processing of grief/loss experiences
Resumption of adaptive developmental progression and future orientation.
TGCTA training is customized for educational staff, mental health staff, and community partners. This training is the first step to becoming a certified TGCTA provider!
Sensory-Body-Mind Integration Training
Sensory integration
Breath, Stretch, Shake, Grow!
The discussion and processing of trauma can be both engaging and draining. These effects are commonly recognized in the experiences of the head and the heart; however, everywhere they go, head & heart, you take your physical body as well. True Trauma Informed Care (TIC) takes account of how an individual experiences trauma in their body as well. Sadness can manifest as a deep and dull ache in one’s belly, weakness in the limbs and/ or a throbbing headache. Each individual’s experiences of their emotions is as unique and as real as they are. This 2-6 hour customizable training will review:
The concept of trauma
The four researched response patterns
The eight major sensory systems that are classically affected in the wake of trauma
The importance and benefits of sensory integration in trauma work
Sensory specific starters to aid in your journey into holistic wellness.
Let’s Team Up!
TREEmendous Care LLC offers consultation across a diverse range of topics and populations including but not limited to: Mental Health, Personal Wellness, Goal Setting, Team Building, Team Development, and Program Development. We offer and execute strategic, individualized services to help you obtain fast, high quality results for businesses of all sizes.